Thermoforming Price and Cost Calculator

Accelerating Price and Cost Calculations for Thermoforming Businesses' Growth

Get ahead of the competition and save valuable time with our exclusive thermoforming price and cost calculator. Our tool offers lightning-fast calculations that are over 500 times faster than traditional methods. Plus, you can easily compare your calculations, leading to better decision-making and cost optimization. Enjoy the accuracy and flexibility you need to succeed in a competitive market.

Register for a free trial to test our price and cost calculator tool and contact our team to discuss a plan for you!


Enhanced Efficiency

With faster price and cost calculations your business can process quotes and estimate costs more rapidly. This allows you to handle a larger volume of quotes and inquiries and offer quicker response times for customers, leading to increased chances of securing contracts.

Competitive Advantage

In a highly competitive market, speed can be a differentiating factor. By accelerating price and cost calculations, your business can outperform competitors by delivering quotes and estimates more quickly, giving you an advantage in winning new customers and securing projects.

Quick Decision Making

Rapid price and cost calculations help thermoforming business owners make informed decisions regarding pricing strategies, material sourcing, production planning, and resource allocation, leading to better cost assessments and analysis of pricing scenarios.

Cost Optimization

Accelerating cost and price calculations helps thermoforming businesses in identifying cost drivers, evaluate cost-saving measures, and optimize pricing, reducing costs, improving supplier deals, and streamlining production to enhance profitability.

Improved Accuracy

Fast and accurate calculations are crucial for maintaining healthy profit margins. Using an automated software and standardized processes can help increase speed and decrease errors, improving the accuracy of quotes and cost estimates.

Flexibility and Adaptability

Faster calculations equals with better responsiveness to markets & customer needs. This enables a faster adaptation to pricing strategies, rush orders, market conditions, cost estimates and builds stronger customer relationships and loyalty.

500× Faster Thermoforming Price and Cost Calculations

Compared to traditional methods

Going from spending hours on a thermoforming price or cost calculation, to making multiple calculations in a matter of minutes!

Created by experts with dozens of years of experience in the thermoforming market, our price and cost calculator tool is exactly what a thermoforming business needs for improved efficiency, a competitive advantage, better decision-making capabilities, cost optimization, accuracy, and increased flexibility.

These benefits contribute to the overall growth and success of the business in a dynamic and demanding market environment.


3 Calculation Basis, Focused on Product and Margins

In order to match multiple calculation goals, our price and cost calculator uses 3 calculation basis that are focused around product and margins:

Make Fast Calculations Using Multiple Parameters

Our tool uses a variety of parameters and input data that make your price and cost calculations flexible and efficient. These parameters and inputs are divided on multiple categories: product info, tool info, calculation basis, economic parameters and equipment input variables.

Product Info

Tool Info

Calculation Basis

Economic Parameters

Equipment Input Variables

Start by adding your calculation parameters

Watch your calculation outputs appear in real time

Calculation Outputs Based on Inserted Parameters

Our tool will take the parameters that you have added in our calculator, run it through our uniquely developed software & set of formulas, and give you a set of output calculations.

All of these will be done instantly, as you add parameters through the calculator, and the results of the calculations will be displayed in the right side panel.

The calculations are displayed for two different outputs, to cover two different goals. These are: Sheet Purchase and Own Extrusion. Both have the same sets out outputs, which we have listed in next section.

Calculation Basis

Financial Results


Economic Parameters

Variable Costs Breakeven Point Pricing


Export Your Price and Cost Calculations as PDF Files

With calculations ready, we’ve made it easy for you to send it to clients, partners, production and anywhere else you may need, by easily exporting the calculations as a clean and internationally used PDF file.

In this file are included all of the calculation outputs as well as the input parameters on which the calculations are based and which you have inserted in the calculator.

Compare Calculations for Making Faster Decisions

Make fast and accurate decisions with the help of our software’s comparison tool. Easily compare different price calculations and quickly discover the best ones.

To make it even easier for you and your team, comparisons can be exported as well organised Microsoft Excel files that you can further work with and adjust.


Import from CSV Files and Layout Generator Tool

Speed up your process by importing Product Info and Tool Info parameters from an existing project you have made in our Layout Generator for Thermoforming Moulds.

Or make it even faster by importing complete calculation parameters from a CSV file. Add up to 200 calculations per CSV file, and import them all at once, almost instantly!

Thermoforming Price and Cost Calculator

Features and Benefits Overview

Advanced Price & Cost Calculator

Unlimited Calculations

Make Calculations 500× Faster

Data for Real-Time Decision Making

Improve Client Response Time

Scalability and Growth of Business

Calculations Based on Price/Product

Calculations Based on Margin/Kilo

Calculations Based on Margin/Hour

Product Info Parameter Inputs

Tool Info Parameter Inputs

Economic Parameter Inputs

Equipment Input Variables

Sheet Purchase Outputs

Own Extrusion Outputs

Financial Results Outputs

Costs Target Outputs

Variable Costs Breakeven Pricing

Export Calculations as PDF Files

Comparison Tool for Calculations

Comparison Export as Excel Files

Import Parameters from CSV File

Import Parameters from Layout Tool

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And More Updates Coming Soon!

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