Subscription plans

Analyse and compare the subscription plans for our tool layout automation software and choose the one that fits your company’s needs. Don’t worry, you can always change it with a new one!


Choose your subscription plan

Free trial

Test our tool for free!

Weight to thickness calculator.
Tool layout configurator (3 calculations)
Output calculator (not available)
Price calculator (not available)
Access for 1 user


For small businesses

start with 100€
Weight to thickness calculator.
Tool layout configurator
Output calculator
Price calculator (not available)
Access for 1 user


Unlimited calculations

Get a quote!
Weight to thickness calculator.
Tool layout configurator (∞ calculations)
Output calculator (∞ calculations)
Price calculator (∞ calculations)
Access for 5 users

Base Plans

Tool Layout

Generate tool layouts
Unlimited layouts
Tool size checking
Forming area checking
Knife length checking
Number of cavities
Tool efficiency
Rectangular and circular products
Shared-edge technology for rectangular layouts
W formation for circular products
Output calculations
Export as PDF
Weight-to-thickness calculator
Basic materials (PS, PET, PP, PLA)
Multiple machines
Layout comparison
Export comparisons as Excel files

Pro Plan

Tool layout generator

Generate tool layouts
Unlimited layouts
Tool size checking
Forming area checking
Knife length checking
Number of cavities
Tool efficiency
Rectangular and circular products
Shared-edge technology for rectangular layouts
W formation for circular products
Output calculations
Export as PDF
Weight-to-thickness calculator
Basic materials (PS, PET, PP, PLA)
Multiple machines
Layout comparison
Export comparisons as Excel files

Product price calculator

Calculate product prices
Unlimited calculations
Calculations based on product price
Calculations based on margin per kilo
Calculations based on margin per hour
Add Variable Costs
Add Operating Expenses
Export as PDF
Import from existing tool layout projects
Bulk import from CSV file
Calculations comparison tool
Export comparisons as Excel files

Show more

Team Plan

Tool layout generator

Generate tool layouts
Unlimited layouts
Tool size checking
Forming area checking
Knife length checking
Number of cavities
Tool efficiency
Rectangular and circular products
Shared-edge technology for rectangular layouts
W formation for circular products
Output calculations
Export as PDF
Weight-to-thickness calculator
Basic materials (PS, PET, PP, PLA)
Multiple machines
Layout comparison
Export comparisons as Excel files

Product price calculator

Calculate product prices
Unlimited calculations
Calculations based on product price
Calculations based on margin per kilo
Calculations based on margin per hour
Add Variable Costs
Add Operating Expenses
Export as PDF
Import from existing tool layout projects
Bulk import from CSV file
Calculations comparison tool
Export comparisons as Excel files

Team management

One master user
Up to 10 child users under the same license
Sharing projects with users in your team
Sharing with View only or Edit permissions
Master user with access to all projects
Import to Price Calculator from Shared projects
Make comparisons from shared projects
Place your custom logo on exported PDFs for your team

Show more

Base Plans

Tool Layout

Generate tool layouts
Unlimited layouts
Tool size checking
Forming area checking
Knife length checking
Number of cavities
Tool efficiency
Rectangular and circular products
Shared-edge technology for rectangular layouts
W formation for circular products
Output calculations
Export as PDF
Weight-to-thickness calculator
Basic materials (PS, PET, PP, PLA)
Multiple machines
Layout comparison
Export comparisons as Excel files

Pro Plan

Tool layout generator

Generate tool layouts
Unlimited layouts
Tool size checking
Forming area checking
Knife length checking
Number of cavities
Tool efficiency
Rectangular and circular products
Shared-edge technology for rectangular layouts
W formation for circular products
Output calculations
Export as PDF
Weight-to-thickness calculator
Basic materials (PS, PET, PP, PLA)
Multiple machines
Layout comparison
Export comparisons as Excel files

Product price calculator

Calculate product prices
Unlimited calculations
Calculations based on product price
Calculations based on margin per kilo
Calculations based on margin per hour
Add Variable Costs
Add Operating Expenses
Export as PDF
Import from existing tool layout projects
Bulk import from CSV file
Calculations comparison tool
Export comparisons as Excel files

Show more

Team Plan

Tool layout generator

Generate tool layouts
Unlimited layouts
Tool size checking
Forming area checking
Knife length checking
Number of cavities
Tool efficiency
Rectangular and circular products
Shared-edge technology for rectangular layouts
W formation for circular products
Output calculations
Export as PDF
Weight-to-thickness calculator
Basic materials (PS, PET, PP, PLA)
Multiple machines
Layout comparison
Export comparisons as Excel files

Product price calculator

Calculate product prices
Unlimited calculations
Calculations based on product price
Calculations based on margin per kilo
Calculations based on margin per hour
Add Variable Costs
Add Operating Expenses
Export as PDF
Import from existing tool layout projects
Bulk import from CSV file
Calculations comparison tool
Export comparisons as Excel files

Team management

One master user
Up to 10 child users under the same license
Sharing projects with users in your team
Sharing with View only or Edit permissions
Master user with access to all projects
Import to Price Calculator from Shared projects
Make comparisons from shared projects
Place your custom logo on exported PDFs for your team

Show more

Start with a free 7 days trial

If you want to test out our Tool Layout Generator and our Price Calculator tools, before locking in one of our subscription plans, you’re in luck! We are offering a 7 days free trial to new users, which will include all the benefits from our Pro Plan.

Consulting services

We are here to guide you through your use of the apps, help you with more extensive projects and with setting up the best settings for your company, your equipment and your clients. Contact us to get a quote customised to your needs.

Detailed subscription plans

If you’re having a hard time in choosing a subscription plans, check out this side by side comparison table of the benefits per plan.

Getting started with a Free Trial plan will get you access to these features of our tool.

Play Video

01. Weight to thickness calculator

Simple app that allows you to make an estimation of the material thickness based on size and weight, or to estimate the weight of the product based on its size and material thickness. You can use our presets for materials or set the density of your own sheet recipe. It is more simple and more precise compared to traditional measurements with a caliber that give you random results if you measure the thickness of the stretched surface of your product.

02. Tool layout generator – 3 calculations

Instead of waiting for a reply from your toolmaker, you can do the layout now by yourself. With a layout generator, you can find the best configuration and get the layout in a few minutes. This app allows you to make an estimation of your tooling parameters:

  • Number of cavities;
  • Forming area;
  • Tool efficiency (waste%);
  • Sheet width and thickness;
  • Linear knife length.

Compare our subscription plans

If you’re having a hard time in choosing a subscription plans, check out this side by side comparison table of the benefits per plan.

Features / Plans
Base Tool Layout
Base Price Calculator
Subscription Prices
Tool Layout Generator
Generate tool layouts
Unlimited layouts
Tool size checking
Forming area checking
Knife length checking
Number of cavities
Tool efficiency
Rectangular and circular products
Shared-edge technology for rectangular layouts
W formation for circular products
Output calculations
Export as PDF
Weight-to-thickness calculator
Basic materials (PS, PET, PP, PLA)
Multiple machines
Layout comparison
Export comparisons as Excel files
Price Calculator
Calculate product prices
Unlimited calculations
Calculations based on product price
Calculations based on margin per kilo
Calculations based on margin per hour
Add Variable Costs
Add Operating Expenses
Export as PDF
Import from existing tool layout projects
Bulk import from CSV file
Calculations comparison tool
Export comparisons as Excel files
Team Management
One master user
Up to 10 child users under the same license
Sharing projects with users in your team
Sharing with View only or Edit permissions
Master user with access to all projects
Import to Price Calculator from Shared projects
Make comparisons from shared projects
Place your custom logo on exported PDFs for your team

Get a quote for Enterprise Plan

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